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Since 2003, the Montgomery County Chamber has served Blacksburg, Christiansburg and Montgomery County, Virginia. The Montgomery County Chamber promotes a positive environment for the operation and growth of business in our community.

Buy Local. Support Community.

Buy Local means purchasing goods and services from locally owned and operated businesses in the New River Valley.

For every $1 spent, buying local keeps $.68 in the community, strengthening our local economy. The Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce works to support small businesses in hopes of accomplishing more locally.

What’s New?

Strategic Direction

The Chamber and its board of directors believe the planning process is essential to the long-term success of the organization. Moreover, while the strategic direction sets the direction for the Chamber, it is the annual work that becomes the action plan for achieving goals. Board members have identified elements that will strengthen the Chamber’s role in the community and align with the mission and vision of advocacy through our logo and brand - Connect, Engage, and Prosper.

2024 Member Magazine

Take a look at our completely redesigned 2024 Member Magazine!

New Members

Mark Your Calendar

Upcoming Events

Ribbon Cutting

Upcoming Ribbon Cuttings

Ribbon Cuttings celebrate the opening of a new location, building, renovation, new service, change in management, or just to celebrate a Chamber business!

Thank You to our Stakeholder & Leader Sponsors

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