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Business After Hours

Business After Hours is the premier monthly networking program for our Chamber members. Every month one of our members hosts this event and between 75-150 of our members join in on the fun. Bring your business cards as there are often giveaways throughout the evening. The program begins at 5:00 PM and ends at 6:30 PM.

Our upcoming Business After Hours includes the following:

Virginia Varsity Storage: January 23rd

Scott Vaught, Comparison Insurance & Freedom First Credit Union - NRV Mortgage Team: February 20th

Bull & Bones Brewhaus & Grill: March 20th

Addy Katz: April 24th

Town & Country Vet: May 22nd

Pete Dye River Course: June 26th

English Meadows: July 17th

Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine: August 21st

Sinkland Farms (Regional BAH): September 30th

Nick Rush & McClain’s: October 16th

Hurt & Proffitt: November 20th

Ed & Ethel’s Fine Jewelry: December 11th

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